Funk, Dmitry

Professor of anthropology, Dr. of historical sciences

Personal data

Dmitry Anatoljevich FUNK

Head, Dept. of Northern and Siberian Studies,

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 32a, Leninsky prospekt,


University education

- 1987/1990, Post-graduate studies in Ethnology, C.Sc. (PhD) at Leningrad State University (Faculty of

History, Chair of Ethnology),

- 1984/1985, Research Internship in Ethnology, Faculty of History at the Leningrad State University

- 1979/1984, (Under)graduate studies (M.A.) in World and Russian History, Siberian Ethnology & Archaeology, Kemerovo State University

Academic degrees

2003, April – “Doctor of Historical Sciences” in Ethnology,

Thesis defended: “Shamanic and epic tradition of Turkic peoples of the southern part of Western Siberia (Teleut and Shor materials of the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 21st cc.)” (in 2 volumes, 721 p.)

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology,

Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

1991, October – “Candidate of Historical Sciences” (PhD) in Ethnology,

Thesis defended: “The Bachat Teleuts in the 19 – 20 cc.: historical and ethnographic

investigation” (in 2 volumes, 385 p.),

Leningrad State University/Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS,

Leningrad/Saint-Petersburg, Soviet Union

1984, June – State exams and Diploma in History and Social studies,

Diploma defended: “Genesis of Shor Heroic Epics” (117 p.)

Faculty of History, Kemerovo State University, Soviet Union

Scientific interests (keywords)

· Social and economic transformations, adaptations, and sustainable development,

·  (Ethnic) identities and social structures,

· Anthropology of religion, especially interethnic connections/influences in Shamanism, Islam, Buddhism, and neo-religious movements,

· Cultural heritage, especially epic studies, field linguistics, electronic text corpora and endangered languages/archives,

· Principles and methods of evaluation of ethno-social impact of administrative policies on the local communities/cultures,

· History of ideas in ethnology/folklore (with special interest in Asian studies).

A list of selected main publications is available at:

Regional interests

· Northern and Middle/Central Asia,

· East Europe (Russian North and Volga region)

International/National Prices and Stipendiums

2010 Stipendium of the Max Planck Society (Germany)

2007 Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation („Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel-Forschungspreis“, in Ethnology);

1998 Stipendium of the „Konferenz der Deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften“ (Germany);

1997 Moscow Carnegie Center, stipendium and participation in a working group of the program "Cross National Relations in Russia and CIS";

1996 Stipendium of the Program for State Support of Leading Russian Scientific Centers (Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant 96-06-04414);

1994 Russian State 3-year-stipendium for “young outstanding scholars, PhD younger than 35 years old”

Professional background


1995-present Head, Department of Northern and Siberian Studies,

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS, Moscow

1993-1995 Researcher, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS, Moscow

1992 senior researcher, Omsk filial, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

1990-1991 Senior Librarian, Library Ac. of Sc. of USSR, Leningrad/St.Pbg.

Membership in International/National Scientific Societies

Since 2009 Russian Committee of Turcologists

Since 2008 International Ural-Altaic Society

Since 2007 International Georg-Wilhelm-Steller Society (Germany)

Since 2005 Gesellschaft für bedrohte Sprachen (Germany)

Since 2000 International Arctic Social Sciences Association (Arctic countries)

Since 1998 DGV Regionalgruppe Sibirien und zirkumpolare Gebiete (Germany)

Periods of work, study and research abroad:

Dec. 2011 – Febr. 2012 Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/S., Germany (Senior Research Fellow)

Febr. 2009 – May 2009 Institute of European Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Pecs, Hungary (Guest Professor)

Sept. 2007 – June 2008 Institute of Ethnology, University of Cologne; Institute of Anglistik, Amerikanistic and Celtology, and Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Bonn, Germany (Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation),

Febr. 1998 – Aug. 1998 Institute of Ethnology, University of Cologne, Germany (Stipendium of the Konferenz der Deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften),

1999-2011 Many working, conference- and other short (up to 4 weeks) trips to Canada, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden

Field work

Duration of field research varies from some weeks to 5 months within a year.

1981-1985, 1987-1994, 1999-2003, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011 – field research in Kemerovo region, Altai, Khakass, Tyva and Sakha (Yakutia) Republics, in Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk regions, and on the Sakhalin Island (among Shors, Teleuts, Altai-kizhi, Tuba/Maimalars, Telengits, Kumandins, Chelkans, Tatars, Chuvash, Russians, Khakass, Tyva, Yakuts, Selkups, Evenki, Nivkhi, Uilta)

Language abilities:

Russian – mother-tongue,

German – fluent (DSH-II),

English – fluent (Advanced level),

Shor and Teleut languages – experience in teaching and translation into Russian/English,

Kazakh – reading,

Hungarian – basic

Presentation topic: Resources of a Digital Text Corpus in Analysing Heroic Epics of the Shors