Halili, Rigels

Rigels Halili

Date of birth: August 30, 1975

Place of birth: Gjirokastra, Albania


24 November 2009

PhD awarded with distinction by the Commission for Anthropological and Cultural Studies at Faculty of Polish Philology, University of Warsaw

¨ Thesis: Orality and literacy. Oral Epic Poetry among Serbs and Albanians


PhD studies at Graduate School for Social Research, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw



MA in International Relations at Institute of International Relations, Faculty of Journalism and Political Sciences, University of Warsaw

¨ Thesis: The ethnic conflict in Kosovo, 1989-1999


MA in Polish Philology, specialisation in Anthropology of Culture Faculty of Polish Philology, University of Warsaw

¨ Thesis: Stranger in the City. A foreign student in Warsaw


Special course of Polish Language for Foreigners, University of Lódż


First year student at Faculty of Albanian Philology at University “Eqrem Çabej”, Gjirokastra, Albania.


Secondary education at “Asim Zeneli” High School, Gjirokastra.




My research concentrates around several main themes:

¨  the relationship between orality and literacy,

¨  the study of nationalism and ethnicity in South-Eastern Europe,

¨  the customary laws and legal practices in the Balkans

¨ the border cultures and borderlands in South-Eastern Europe.


Scholarly publications:


November 2012

Nation and its song. An essay on orality, literacy and epic songs among Albanian and Serbs, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2012, pp. 511.

December 2011

“Rilindja kombëtare” – the story behind the name and the study of the

Albanian national movement

[in:] Annuario, The Albanian Yearbook of Historical and Anthropological

Studies, Vol. I, Centre for Historical and Anthropological Research, Tirana

2011, pp. 32-55.

 Spring 2011

Idee i działanie – albański ruch narodowy i ukształtowanie nowoczesnej

albańskiej państwowości w XIX i XX wieku (Ideas and activity – the

Albanian national movement and formation of Albanian statehood during

19th and 20th centuries)

[in:] E. Znamierowska-Rakk (ed.), Wolność i bezpieczeństwo na Bałkanach

w XIX i XX wieku (Independence and national security in the Balkans in the

19th and 20th centuries), Obóz Vol. 51, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu

Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2011, pp. 125-164.

Winter 2010

Daleko i blisko – kilka uwag o obrazie Rosji w albańskiej świadomości

kulturowej (Far and near – few remarks on the cultural images of Russia

among Albanians)

[in:] J. Sujecka (ed.), Semantyka Rosji na Bałkanach (The Semantics of

Russia in the Balkans), Wydawnictwo DiG, Warszawa 2011, pp. 109-128.

Winter 2010

Żyć w Kosowie – spojrzenie przez pryzmat pewnej biografii (Living in Kosovo in 20th century – looking through the prism of a certain biography)

[in:] N/ Dołowy-Rybińska, A. Gronowska, A. Karpowicz, I. Piotrowski, P.

Rodak, Sploty kultury (Tangles of culture), Warszawa 2010, pp. 496-510.

October 2009

Review of the book: A. Roselli, Italy and Albania. Financial Relations in the Fascist Period, with a foreword by M. Kaser, I. B. Tauris, London 2006.

[in:] Slavonic & East European Review, Volume 88, Number 4, October

2010, pp.769-770.

September 2009

Review of the book: B. Destani & R. Elsie (eds.) Edward Lear in Albania: Journals of a Landscape Painter in the Balkans, with a preface by V. Noakes, I. B. Tauris in association with The Centre for Albanian Studies, London & New York 2008.

[in: Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies; Volume 11 Issue 3, 347, pp. 350-351]

June 2009

From ‘Arapi i zi’ to discussions on Orientalism – the Figure of ‘Black Arab’ in Albanian folklore and culture, [in:] K. Kulavkova (ed.) The Black Arab as a Figure of Memory, MASA, Skopje 2009


A. Ersoy, M. Górny, V. Kechriotis, M. Kopeček, B. Manchev, D. Miskova, B. Trencsényi, M. Turda (eds.) Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Eastern Europe (1770-1945), Volumes I-IV, CEU, Budapest 2006-2010.

[My contribution consists of selecting and partially translating of Albanian texts included in this anthology, as well as of preparing the additional biographical notes and historical contextualization of these documents relevant to Albanian identity, culture and politics in the period 1770-1945. For more details please consult:]

March 2009

Albanian nationalism; Albanian socialism [in:] I. Ness (ed.), The International Encyclopaedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the present, 8 vols., Wiley-Blackwell 2009.

[Both entries were prepared in collaboration with Dimitris Dalakoglu]

January 2008

Kurban today among the Albanians, [in:] B. Sikimić, P. Christov (eds.), Kurban in the Balkans, Balkanološki Institut SANU, Belgrade 2007, pp.197-209.

July 2007

The issue of Epirus in political writings of Mid’hat Bey Frasheri, [in:] Sprawy Narodowościowe (Nationalities Issues), Nr 31, 2007, J. Sujecka (ed.), Warszawa 2007, pp. 275-285.

April 2007

Opowieść o pieśniarzach (A story about singers of tales), [in:] A. Mencwel (ed.), Communicare, Almanach Antropologiczny II, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2007, pp. 77-110.

October 2006

Shënime për një libër të harruar (Notes about a forgotten book), [in:] Përpjekja (Endeavour), Nr. 18, F. Lubonja, A. Puto (eds.), Tiranë 2006, pp. 134-146.

May 2005

“Two Fundamental Texts of Albanian and Macedonian Awakening Movements – a comparative analysis”, [in:] I. Stawowy-Kawka (ed.) Macedonia na Bałkanach – Historia, Polityka, Kultura, Nauka, (Macedonia in the Balkans – History, Politics, Culture, Science), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2005, pp. 209-224.

May 2004

Generating national programmes – intellectuals and nationalism among Serbs and Albanians, pp.1-31.

[This text was presented at the conference ‘Nationalism, Society and Culture in Post-Ottoman South East Europe’, organised by St Anthony’s College, Oxford University. It has been published on the website that emerged from that research project]

May 2003

The Ideas of Albanian National Movement and its Relation Towards Macedonia, [in:] B. Zieliński (ed.), Wokół Macedonii: siła kultury – kultura siły, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań (The English edition: Around Macedonia: the Culture of Power – the Power of Culture), Wydawnictwo UAM, Poznań 2003, pp. 189-206.


Teaching experience:


Centre for Eastern Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland




Institute of Slavic Philology, University Nicolaus Copernicus, Toruń, Poland


Alex Nash Fellow at The School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London


Membership and contribution to learned societies:

May 2005

Member of International Association for South-eastern European Anthropology (InASEA) Belgrade, Serbia

June 2007

Founding member of the Qendra për Kërkime Antropologjike (Centre for Anthropological Research), Tirana, Albania

April 2009

Member of Association for the Study of Nationalities, New York, USA


Language skills:

Albanian (native), English (fluent in speaking, reading and writing), Polish (fluent in speaking, reading and writing), Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian (fluent in speaking and reading, good in writing) , French (fluent in reading and speaking, good in writing), Italian (fluent in speaking and reading, good in writing).


Presentation topic: Between tradition and modernity – a typology of Albanian epic singers in Albania and Kosovo nowadays