Jurayev, Mamatkuli

Was born 1 October1956 invillage Jigachi Karakuliskogo region Buharskoy area of the Republic Uzbekistan.

Okonchil 30-yu secondary school im. G.GULYAMA Karakuliskogo region in 1973; the philological faculty TASHGU on professions "Uzbek language and literature" in 1978.

Worked: with 1978 on 2003 - a scientific employee of the division of the Folklore of the Institute of the language and literature im. A.NAVAI AN RUzbekistan;

with 2003 - managing division of the Folklore;

since 1998 - on combine jobs professor pulpits of the Uzbek literature Navoinskogo госпединститута.

The Subject to candidate's thesis: "Magic numbers in uzbek public fairy tale (the history root and poetical functions)". The Scientific leader - prof. T.MIRZAEV. It Is Protected on professions 10.01.09 - фольклористика in Specsovete Institute of the language and literature im. A.NAVAI AN RUzbekistanDecember 3 1987.

The Subject to doctoral thesis: "Genesis uzbek public космогонических legends". The Scientific adviser - prof. T.MIRZAEV. It Is Protected on professions 10.01.09 - фольклористика in Specsovete D 015.04.01 at Institute of the language and literature im. A.NAVAI AN RUzbekistanSeptember 18 1996.

The Area scientific interest: theory and history of the uzbek folklore, uzbek public обрядовый folklore, mythology, public prose, typology epic plot, uzbek public calendar, археофольклористика, палеофольклористика, modern historian-фольклорный process, постфольклор.

The Main scientific results: has developed the theoretical основ and scientific principle to categorizations of the genres of the uzbek spoken prose, studied the relic an домусульманских верований and mythological presentations, researched древнетюркскую mythology, uzbek обрядовый folklore and public calendar.  With 1978, as member constantly acting фольклорной to expeditions of the Institute of the language and literature AN R Uzbekistan concerned with the collection and systematization of the uzbek folklore. Has Prepared and has published the row an фольклорных collection.  

The Gross amount publication: more than 400, including 20 monographs and books.


 The Main scientific works:

1. The Magic numbers in uzbek public skazkah. - Tashkent.: "Fan", 1991 (on uzbek language);

2. The Secrets magic chisel. - Tashkent.: "Uzbekistan", 1991 (on uzbek language);

3. Navruz. The Myths, legends, canto and beliefs about navruze. - Tashkent.: "Fan", 1992 (on uzbek language);

4. The Legends silk puti. - Tashkent.: "Fan", 1993 (on uzbek language);

5. The Uzbek public calendar and mythological legendy. - Tashkent.: "Buhara", 1994 (on uzbek language);

6. The Uzbek public космогонические legendy. - Tashkent.: "Fan", 1996 (on uzbek language);

7. The Uzbek public обрядовые pesni. - Tashkent.: the Publishers of the literature and art, 2000 (on uzbek language);

8. The Uzbek mythology and arabic foliklor. - Tashkent.: "Fan", 2001 (in soavt.); (on uzbek language)

9. The Legends Buhary. The Uzbek public топонимические legendy. – Tashkent.: "Meros", 2002 ( in soavt.); (on uzbek language).

10. Myth, folklore and literature. –Tashkent, 2006;

11. The Canto navruz. Uzbek weighed ritual folklore. –  Tashkent, 2007.

12. Uzbek public calendar ritual folklore/ Tashkent, 2008.


Public activity: member of theAllianceof the writers of the republicUzbekistan(1989);  otv. secretary (1994-2000), member to editorial staffs (1994-2005) of the journal "Uzbek тили va адабиQти"; the member (1997-2005), academic secretary (2003-2006) Specsoveta D.015.04.01 on protection thesis on competition degree doctor of the sciences at Institute of the language and literature AN R Uzbekistan; the member international фольклорной to expeditions "Boysun" (2003-2004).

Presentation topic: The Uzbek public heroic epos “Alpomish”: genesis, epic evolution and modern variants