Tsetsenbat is a Mongolian from Bairin Right Banner, Inner Mongolia. He received his M.A. in Mongolian folklore and Ph.D. in 1988 and 1998 from Institute of Ethnic Literature. His dissertation is entitled Jianggeer Yu Mengguzu Zongjiao Wenhua (Epic Jangar and Mongolian Religious Culture). He is Senior Research Fellow as well as the Deputy Director of Division of Mongolian Literature at Institute of Ethnic Literature, CASS. His research centers on studies of Mongolian epic. He is author of Menggu Shishi: Cong Chengshi Dao Yinyu (The Mongolian Epic: From the Formula to the Metaphor, 2006) and Tuwa Gesier Shishi (Tuwa Epic Kezer, 2005, in Mongolian). He is also the co-editor of Menggu Yingxiong Shishi Da Xi (Great Collection of the Mongolian Heroic Epic, 4 volumes, 2007-2009, in Mongolian).

Presentation topic: Naming Narrative Units and Their Structures in Mongolian Epic Tradition