Norbu Wangdan Norbu Wangdan is a Tibetan from Guide, Qinghai Province. He received his Ph.D. in Chinese literature from the graduate school of CASS in 2001. He is now Deputy Director of The National Leading Group for Epic Gesar Research, Secretary-General of the Association of Gesar studies, and Editor-in-chief of China Tibet Information Center. His work focuses on Tibetan religions, literary and ethnological studies on epic Gesar, etc. He is the author of Xizang Difang Yu Zhongyang Zhengfu Guanxi Shi (History of Relationship between Tibet and Central Government, co-author, 1996), Xizang Renquan Yanjiu (A Study of Human Rights in Tibet, co-author, 1999), Zangzu Shenhua yu Shishi (Tibetan Mythology and Epic Tradition, 2012), and Zhihui de Lingguang: Zhongguo Xibu Zongjiao (Haloes of Wisdom: Religions in Western China, co-author, to be published soon), except more than 50 articles. Presentation topic: From Pilgrim to Tourist: Identity Change among Gesar Epic Singers that Leads to a Potential Finalization of Oral Living Epic Tradition |