Iskakuly, Danday

  Doctor of philological sciences, professor, Academician of Humanitarian sciences of Republic of Kazakhstan and International Aytmatov Academy, as usually a member of Kazakhstan writers and journalists` union. Danday Yskakuly was born in Otyrar/South Kazakhstan in 27 may 1946. In 1969 he graduated the Kazakh national university named by Al-Farabi and finished his postgraduate study in 1974 at National Sciences Academy of RK, Literature and Art institution named after M.Auezov. He received his candidate degree in 1975 and doctoral degree in 1994.

  Academic activities include a research leaner at Literature and Art institution named after M.Auezov between 1975-1977, and associate professor, senior lecturer in the Kazakh national university named by Al-Farabi and professor, chair of department 1977-2000. Also he worked as a professor in Kazakh national university named by Gumilev between 2000-2004. From 2004 he worked as a vice-chanceller of SDU.

  He is author of more than 500 articles and approximately 20 books. He has published in journals such as China, Turkey, Russia, Azerbayzhan, Kyrgyzstan, Kypr.

Presentation topic: Studies on Kazakh epics