Researches on Epos in Azerbaijanian Emigration Folklore Studies
Affiliation: Baku State University

Researches on epos in Azerbaijanian Emigration Folklore StudiesAs its known, during the soviet governance, the imperial ideology put serious restrictions on the research anad analysis of Azerbaijanian literature and culture, therefore a substantial part of national-cultural resources was not researched until now. Emigration folklore impacted by bans and restrictions of Societ ideology is an example of this. Alibay Huseynzadeh, Ahmad Aghaoghlu, Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh, Ahmad Jafaroghlu, Jeyhun bay Hajibayli, Alimardan Topchubashov, Mirza Bala Mammadzadeh, Abdulvahab Yurdsevar, Mahammad Ali Rasuloghlu, Naghi Keykurun (Sheykhzamanli), Shafibay Rustambayli, Karim Odar, Huseyn Baykara, Abbasgulu Kazimzadeh, Suleyman Takinar, Almas Ildirim, Salim Rafig, Ummulbanu, Karim Yaycili and dozens of other authors who created this literature have been out of research until recently.

The independence of Azerbaijan has opened new perspectives for the reserach of literary-cultural heritage completely again, in the light of national ideology. Therefore, researchers were able to put out a number of new researches in a short time and tried to make known the literature created in the emigration. But undoubtfully, it is not possible to analyze so quickly all the scientific and literary heritage condemned to bans and forgettance for more than 70 years. For this reason, there is a serious need to analyze systematically all the literature created in the emigration.

There is a need for serious searches in the field of folklore studies which is an important branch of Azerbaijani emigration literature. Even though, there have been some researches on Azerbaijanian emigration literatary criticism, folklore studies have not been an independent object for researches and have been forgotten. This undoubtfully, does not give a chance to understand fully national literary-theoretical contemplation. Contrary to soviet governance, folklore created in the emigration was aside from the ideological issues and thoughts, was free, there was no impediment to evaluation of national folklore samples thoroughly. Moreover, emigration folklore studies were able to invoke researches of Azerbaijani oral samples in the context of Oriental and Western literature.

An important part of Azerbaijani emigration folklore studies is occupied by eposes. Epos which is a rich and monumental genre of national literature takes an important place in emigration theoretical-scientific contemplation. The close attachment of eposes with history, culture, ethics, customs and way of thinking of Azerbaijani nation paved a way for the research of this genre systematically and sustainably. Emigration folklore studies was able to put forward some issues more rapidly than Azerbaijani foklore studies in the Sovieet period and had interesting conclusions. In this regard, the research of epos issues in emigration folklore studies is very substantial from the aspect of creation of thorough picture of researches of Azerbaijani foklore studies in XX century.

Emigration folklore scholars are the literary-political persons representing political emigrants of Azerbaijan, therefore the researches created in the emigration is impacted by the political-ideological thoughts along with literary-esthetic view to eposes. In other words, sometimes epos samples have served for the political ideal in the writings of those who fighted for the independence of Azerbaijan and the history of struggle for independence of the nation is filled with samples chosen from epos materials.

“Dada Gorgud epos” and “Dada Gorgud oghuznames” by Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh, “The fight for independence in Azerbaijani literature”, “The turning points of Azerbaijani language and literature”, “Turkish govms” by Ahmad Jafaroghlu, “Eposes in the awakening of nations”, “Dada Gorgud” by Mirza Bala Mammadzadeh, “The history of independence struggle of Azerbaijan” by Huseyn Baykara, “On one verse of Nigaristanli Ashuk Sadig” by Salim Rafigi Rafioghlu, “From epos to tale – my turkological voyage” by Iren Malikoff and other researches talk about issues of epos. It is worth to remind that, “Koroghlu – historical – mythological truth” by Behruz Haggi who is representative of contemporary Azerbaijanian emigration talks about the Chinese version of “Koroghlu epos” along with Azerbaijanian, Turkish, Turkman, Iragi, Tajik, Bulgarian, Greek, Arabic, Farsi and Indian versions.